squid (skw-d)
n., pl.
squids or squid.

Any of various marine cephalopod mollusks of the genus Loligo and related genera, having a usually elongated body, ten arms surrounding the mouth, a vestigial internal shell, and a pair of triangular or rounded fins.

[Origin unknown.]

Translations for: Squid

Nederlands (Dutch)

Français (French)
encornet, calmar

Deutsch (German)
n. - gemeiner Kalmar
v. - mit od. nach Kalmaren fischen

•»»·½¹º® (Greek)
n. (¶É¿».) º±»±¼¬Á¹, ĵǽ·ÄÌ ´Ì»É¼± v. ȱÁµÍÉ ¼µ º±»±¼¬Á¹ ³¹± ´Ì»É¼±

Italiano (Italian)

Português (Portuguese)
n. - lula (f)

 CAA:89 (Russian)
:0;L<0@, =0682:0

Español (Spanish)
n. - calamar, cebo artificial (para pescar)
v. intr. - pescar utilizando calamar como carnada

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - bläckfisk
v. - fiska med bläckfisk som lockbete

N-Vý‹Ý (Simplified Chinese)
n. - NL<, Y