Visual Shell Kit
Gastropods Section 2

Gaping Trivia
(trivia aperta )
0.8" (2.0cm.)


Chick-Pea Cowry
(Cypraea cicercula)
0.8" ( 2 cms.)


Snakehead Cowry
(Cypraea caputserpentis)
1" (2.5 cms.)

Gold Ringed Cowry
(Cypraea annulus)
1/2 - 1" (1.75 -2.5 cm)


Money Cowrie
(Cypraea moneta)
1/2 - 1" (1.75 -2.5 cm)

Tiger Cowrie
(Cypraea tigris)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Lynx Cowrie
(Cypraea lynx)
1 - 2" (2.5 - 5 cm.)


Common Egg Cowrie
(Ovula ovum)
3" (7.5 cms.)


Flamingo Tongue
(Cyphoma gibbosum )
1" (2.5 cm.)

Shuttlecock Volva
( Volva volva )
4.5" (12 cms.)


Golden Moon Snail
(Polinices aurantius)
1 3/4" (4. 5 cm.)


Pear-shaped Moon Shell
(Polinices tumidus)
NOTE: The operculum (trap door) is in place.
1 1/2" (4 cm.)


King Helmet
(Cassis tuberosa)
7" (17.5 cm.)


Bullmouth Helmet Shell
(Cypraecassis rufa)
NOTE: This is the shells from which Cameos are carved
6" (15 cms.)


Gray Bonnet
(Phalium glaucum)
to 4" (10 cm.)


Vibex Bonnet Shell
(Casmaria erinaceus)
1 - 2" (2.5 - 5 cm.)


Ficus gracilis
(Graceful Fig Shell)
4" (10 cm.)


Giant Tun
(Tonna galea)
5 - 7"
(13.5 - 17.5 cm.)


Banded Tun Shell
(Tonna sulcosa)
4" (10 cm.)



Tritons Trumpet
(Charonia tritonis)
8 - 15"
NOTE: the operculum (trap door)is in place. Often used as musical / horn instruments but is now protected in most places, as it eats the very destructive Crown of thorns starfish which eats living coral. (20 - 37.5 cm.)


Common Hairy Triton
(Cymatium pileare)
3 - 4" (7.5 - 10 cm.)


Long-neck Triton
(Cymatium gutturnium)
3" (7.5 cm.)

Maple Leaf Shell
(Biplex perca)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Atlantic Distorcio
(Distorsio reticulata)
2 .4"
(5 -6 cm.)


Spiny Frog Shell
(Bursa echinata)
NOTE: a long spined and short spined version of the same species. The trap door (operculum) is still in place
2 " (5 cm.)


Snipes Bill Murex
(Murex haustellum)
NOTE: the operculum (trap door)is in place.
4" (10 cm.)


Venus Comb Murex
(Murex pecten)
4 - 6" (10 - 15 cm.)


Alabaster Murex
(Siratus alabaster)
5" (12.5 cm.)


Pink Mouthed Murex
(Phyllonotus erythrostomus)
4" (10 cm.)


Endive Murex
(Chicoreus cichoreum)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Ramose Murex
(Murex ramosus)
NOTE: this is quite a heavy large shell as compared to the pink-mouth murex
8 - 12"
(20 -30 cm.)


Frilled dogwinkle
(Nucella lamellosa)
NOTE: this is quite a variable shell both colour wise and frill wise
1 - 5" (2.5 - 12.5 cm.)


Purple Pacific Drupe
(Drupa morum)
1" (2.5 cm.)


Latiaxis Shells
(Latiaxis mawae)
1 1/2" (3.25 cm.)


Giant Tun
(Tonna galea)
5 - 7"
(13.5 - 17.5 cm.)


Banded Tun Shell
(Tonna sulcosa)
4" (10 cm.)