Visual Shell Kit
Gastropods Section 3

Strombid Dove Shell
(Columbella rustica)
1.2" (3 cms.)


Aereola Babylon
(Babylonia areolata)
2.5" (5.5 cms.)


Common Crown Conch
(Melangena corona)
NOTE: Operculum (trap door) in place
3' (7.5 cms.)

Lightning Whelk
(Busycon contrarium)

to 6" (to 40 cms.)

Cake Nasa
(Nassarius arcularius)
1.3" (3 cms.)


Tulip Shell
(Fasciolaria lilium)
4.5" (11.5 cms.)


Ornamented Spindle Shell
( Fusinus eucosmius)
3" (7.5 cms.)

Carnelian Olive
(Oliva carneola)
0.9' (2.3 cms.)


Tent Olive
(Oliva porphyria)
3.5" (9 cms.)


Lettered Olive
(Oliva sayana)
2.2" (5.5 cms.)


Episcopal Miter
(Mitra mitra)
3 - 5" (7.5 - 12.5 cm.)


Pontifical Miter
(Mitra papalis)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Little Fox Miter
(Vexillum vulpecula)
NOTE: variation of markings in the same species
to 2"
(5 cm.)


Indian Chank Shell
(Turbinella pyrum)
NOTE: in India, this shell is often used as a ceremonial trumpet or carved and used as bangles. The verse coiled or sinistral (left)is most precious
6" (15 cm.)


Common Pacfic Vase Shell
(Vasum turbinella)
2.5" (6 cms.)


Major Harp
(Harpa major)
3.5" (9 cms.)


Indian Melon or Baler Shell
(Melo melo)
NOTE: Melos sometimes produce large yellow to orange coloure-pearls)
8" (20 cm.)


Bat Volute
( Cymbiola vespertilio)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Imperial Volute
(Aulica imperialis)
to 10"
(25 cm.)


(Scaphella junonia)
4" (7.5 - 10 cm.)


Common or Adele's Nutmeg
(Cancellaria reticulata)
to 2" (5 cm.)


Orange Margin Shell
(Prunum carneum)
1" (2.5 cm.)


Japanese Turrid
(Thatcheria mirabilis)
4 - 5"
(10 - 12.5 cm.)


Marble Cone
(Conus marmoreus)
4" (10 cm.)


Textile Cone
(Conus textile)
3 - 4"
(7.5 - 10 cm.)


General Cone
(Conus generalis)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Rayed Cone
(Conus radiatus)
3" (7.5 cm.)


Marlinspike Auger
(Terebra maculata)
NOTE: Operculum (Trap door) is in place

6 - 8 "
(17.5 - 20 cm.)


Lance Auger
(Hastula lanceata)
to 2 1/2 " (6 cm.)


Eloise's Acteon
(Acteon eloisae)
NOTE: fluoresces under UV
1" (2.5 cms.)


Atlantic Bubble Shell
(Bulla striata)
NOTE: fluoresces under UV light

1 1/2" (4.25 cm.)

Brown-line Paperbubble
(Hydatina physis)
2" (5 cm.)