Mystery Bivalve

Data: Below are 4 pictures of a shell I found on a Califorina Beach. Can you help Identify it?
I do beleive it is a fossit.

thank you,

Send Ideas to: Donna






  • Looks like Crassodama multirugosa (Gale, 1928). I have found them on California beaches.
    Vowels got a bit mixed-Crassadoma is the genus for the northern Pacific scallops that grow up into irregular, attached forms.--Dr. David C

  • It sure looks like a well worn Purple Hinged Scallop valve to me.
    (Crassadoma gigantea (Gray, 1825) ...Dan Y.

  • I agree with Dan... it's a purple-hinged rock scallop, Crassadoma gigantea ...Rick H

  • Looks like an upper valve of a Hinnites. Whether it is fossil or just an old valve that has been buried in mud for a while, i can't say. ...Paul M.

  • Looks like Crassodama multirugosa (Gale, 1928). I have found them on California beaches. ...
    Peggy W.


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