The Kid's Zone

Kids! Print this table and put it on the wall near your computer
and use it's advise when surfing the net.

Children's Online Safety Checklist


"Michelle" Snail
by Wellyn and

  1. I will not give out information like my name, address, telephone number, photograph, parents' work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without permission from my parents/guardians.

  2. I will tell my parents/guardians right away if I find information that makes me feel uncomfortable.

  3. I will not agree to meet someone I have chatted with online.

  4. I will not answer messages that are mean or rude or that make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I get a message like that I will tell my parents/guardians right away.

  5. I will talk with my parents/guardians so that we can set up rules for going online, like the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online, and places I can visit online.


Man and Mollusc Articles
  A Beginner's Guide to the Molluscs 
by Avril Bourquin:
Click HERE for a Printer-Friendly Version of the article;
but, please be advised, it is 16 pages long!
  Man and Mollusc: Uses of Shell-Bearing Molluscs
Past, Present & Future:
Simplified Version: by Avril Bourquin
Please visit the Advanced article as it has just been redone and has a lot more photos on it.
1) Food 7) Music & Communication

2) Trade Goods

8) Personal Adornment

3) Medicinal Uses

9) Industry

4) Tools

10) Offshoots

5) Art and Architecture

11) Miscellaneous Uses

6) Religion

12) Shell Collecting

Great Men of the Mollusc World Personal Thanks
Bibliography Links
Click HERE for a Printer-Friendly Version of the article;
but, please be advised, it is 20 pages long!
Amazing Molluscan Facts: by Avril Bourquin
More Articles are found on the Site Map Page; however, some of them are quite complex


Kids; if you are interested in pursuing a career in a marine related field, be sure to check out my new Careers link page. Learn what subjects you should be taking in school to prepare for your field of interest. Many sites listed even have an "ask the scientist questions" area.

This page of links is provided only as a service to those interested in pursuing an Ocean-Related Career and is intended for self-directed learning. Please don't ask me for career advice. I'm not an oceanographer or a marine biologist. I am a retired nurse with a love for molluscs. I cannot provide informed career advice for marine biology and oceanography.


Shell Collecting
  •  Shell Collecting Links: Collecting shells can be a fascinating, rewarding and educational hobby for anyone who is interested in nature and the wonders of the natural world. These links will provide you with everything you need to know about starting (or continuing!) a great shell collection.  New Directory Page is very much under construction, but is useable!

  • New Commercial Pages:  In a perfect shellers world; one would not have to work to support his/her hobby, yet he/she would have the money to travel the world to personally seek out each and every shell in his/her private collection.  But, if you live in the real world and like me Not On A Beach where shells can wash in at your feet,  purchasing or trading for shells is a necessity in advancing your collection.  Here are a few links pages for you:  Book DealersShell Dealers; and Auctions
    On the shell dealer's page, I have added a section for Fossils and an Art section.

Kids " Be sure to talk to Mom or Dad before purchasing anything from the internet, including shells!"

Avril's Fun Page: A page full of fun activities for younger children: colouring pages to print out, make an origami snail and where else to find kid's stuff in regards to molluscs on the internet.
You may even want to tell your teacher where they can get a complete lesson plan which suggests how they can fit molluscs into their classes! 

Children's Internet Resources: This page is all geared to the younger viewer.

Educational Resources: Watch for Edu Snail to point out articles that are good for those homework assignments!

Fun and Games Resource Pages: Many sites have molluscs related activities pages. I've tried to bring some of these pages together for you.

Non-Molluscan Links: Lots of GREAT Science links pages to be found here

Online Stories about molluscs:


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This is a new counter system set up by Globel on
December 01, 2002


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