"Man and Mollusc" web site is all about one of the largest
and most interesting phyla of animals in the world,-“the molluscs”!
Molluscs can be found in nearly every ecosystem on our earth; from high, barren mountains and grassy plains, to the depths of our rain forests, from lakes and rivers and of course, in all corners of our seas and oceans. Look hard! You can probably find a mollusc in your own back yard! There are nearly 100,000 species of molluscs recognized today, with new species being discovered and named every year as man further explores the deep ocean trenches and delves ever deeper into the tropical rainforests. In fact, nearly anyone in the field of Malacology (the study of molluscs, i.e.!) has the opportunity to name new species all the time! You know molluscs by many names: snails, clams, tusk shells (the "wampum" of North American natives), chitons, limpets, octopuses (or octopi), squid, and even slugs. Molluscs and their shell homes have supplied mankind with food, medicine, tools, artifacts and many other products since the dawn of time. I hope you will agree with me that molluscs are worth a bit of your time to get to know them a little (or whole lot) better. It is my hope that teachers (or any educator), students, conchologists / malacologists or anyone entering this site will find materials suitable to your wide variety of needs or interests either within this site or within the links provided here. I would like to encourage you to contact me with any changes, additions, corrections or general comments in regards to the materials found within this site |
Help!: I would like to encourage you to
submit articles, pictures, the names and URL address of other related
sites, and any other tidbits of information that you feel would be beneficial
in furthering the education of the public about molluscs and shell collecting. 3.)
4.) Everyone! Please read the following:
5) Students: Do you need help doing your homework or do you need assistance in surfing the net in quest of information for that pesky assignment? I have a page for you. Visit Students! This Page is For You! and the new Directory Page 6.) To help you navigate through this VERY LARGE web site, I have developed a Site Map Page. Once you have a handle on what is available on this site, you may want to access this page frequently so please add it to your bookmarks. |
Facts, and Fun
What molluscs are edible? How many can you name? Come on in and see how many are listed on my data base as of December 2001. This list is very much under development and will truly never be complete as there are literally thousands of species of molluscs eaten world wide. To add a bit of spice to an otherwise boring list of facts; recipes, trivia, URLs to see the species image or to learn more facts, etc., are being added. Many people have contributed species names, dates, facts and much more and for this I am most grateful. To see a list of these contributors, check out the Bibliography. Data Base by Avril Bourquin |
Your Information (FYI)
I have been working on an "Edible Molluscs" data base. This will never be from completed work as there are too many shells to cover. If you have any suggestions as to other improvements we can make or you are finding some pages difficult to read; Please let me know. Somewhere on your letter or on the subject line include the words "WEB IMPROVEMENTS" and where applicable the page you are having problems with. Thank you so very much. |
History of the Man and Mollusc Site and Acknowledgments Page: Here's the how and the why it all started and thanks given to many wonderful people who have been instrumental in developing the site and or articles. |