Mystery Fossil

Data: I am trying to identify this freshwater bivalve collected in the nothern Peruvian amazon, in that kind of lakes created by the amazon rivers. I would be very grateful if you could help me. Find attached the picture.

Thank you very much in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Send Ideas to: Martí Orta




  • Dear Marti, I am referring you to my links page for unionidae: Check out Kevin Cumming’s excellent ID site Unionoida Of The World
    If you cannot locate your shell from here, please let me know and I will set up a Mystery Page for you.

    • Dear Avril, First of all, thank you very much for your fast answer. In fact, I had checked that web before contacting you, but I could not manage to identify properly the shell. I found this other link: ; from here, I can suppose that it is an Anodontites sp (Super-Order. UNIONOIDA; Family Mycetopodidae ) but I am not sure at all.
      I would be very grateful if you can set up a Mystery Page for me, in order that any specialist could verify or not my absolutely inexpert identification.
      Thank you very much once again.

  • the bivalve is probably the Mycetopodidae family - Anodontites trapezialis ( Lamarck, 1819).
    Best regards, Eduardo P.

  • Marty mystery seems a Anadontites trapesialis, but i'm not familiar with the family. ...Fabio Wiggers

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