Fiji and Tonga Mysteries

Data: Hello Avril

Just wondering if you might be able to help…

My wife and I are putting together a Marine Life ID DVD for Fiji and Tonga and have come across a few species we either are unable to identify, or are unsure of our ID.

We have posted a page on our new website(still under construction)that shows jpegs of the critters in doubt. The page is :

Some shots have a scientific name already - these are our best guesses, confirmation or otherwise would be great. For those with only basic common names eg. goby 2, we have nothing - genus, species and common names would all be very helpful.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

We would be happy to provide these jpegs for use on your own site if they are of any benefit to you.

Many thanks

Josh Jensen

Please send andy thoughts, or positive identifications to: Josh Jensen


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