Seems to me Vitta
usnea (Roeding, 1798), better known as Vitta reclivata
(Say), might occur in estuaries... Henk K. M
This looks
like one of those nerite species that can live in
guess is that it came from brackish water where the barnacles could
survive and that they will soon die in the freshwater aquarium. I
am not an expert, wait for the full answer from Maybe
Tom E. (he's the Neritidae specialist, isn't he) or a barnacle expert?...Regards,
Peter E.
It is definitely
Vitta reclivata (usnea) as Henk said. This is a brackish-fresh
water snail found within a mile of salt water, at least around here
(Sarasota, Florida - West coast)...Peggy W.
The identification
is as Peggy said.
The specimens from around here for the most part are so covered with
barnacles that they aren't worth collecting. The illustrated specimen
was collected some 15 miles from the ocean where they are dirt common.
Regards, Bill F.
The mystery snail is
the nerite, Vitta usnea (Röding, 1798) (common synonym
Neritina reclivata). It is from the Caribbean and found in the US
from Texas to Florida. I do not know the ID of the small barnacles...Tom
Neritina (Vitta)
usnea is abundant in Mobile Bay (Alabama) and can tolerate low salinity.
On natural marshy shorelines, which are becoming increasingly limited,
the dead shells form windrows; the shells have a delightfully broad
variation of color pattern but the pattern shown in Avril's photo
is the most common. As to barnacles, I have seen some growing at the
head of the
bay in water reported to have only about 3 parts per thousand salinity
(about 1/10 that of seawater).
A few estuarine species
can live in freshwater without difficulty as adults but cannot maintain
populations there because their reproduction requires at least brackish
salinity. In the same area, these include the bay clam Rangia
cuneata, and I would guess probably also the Carolina marsh
clam, Polymesoda caroliniana. None of these are known to live
in ordinary seawater. The common oyster Crassostrea virginica
has just the opposite preference: It normally thrives in brackish
water, but when predators are excluded, it does even better in fully
marine salinity...Andrew K. R.
I have had a few specimens
of Vitta usnea in a freshwater fish tank for a number of years
now. It is actually just slightly brackish with about a tablespoon
of salt per 2 gallons. I started with about a dozen and there are
now only three - all quite large. They faithfully laid egg cases,
but of course, without a true salt water environment the young veligers
cannot survive and develop. This species is sold by a couple of different
online aquarium supply houses as an algae control measure for freshwater
tanks. They also sell Nerita funiculata and Vitta luteofasciata
for similar control in salt water tanks. The only other nerite I have
seen with attached barnacles was Vitta glabrata from Africa,
also a freshwater dweller with a need for salt water in its development.
I also have a couple of Clypeolum latissimum in a fish
tank. They started out as juveniles of about 10-12mm but have grown
in a year to almost twice that size...Tom
Funny, in 1990 I found
a colony of these flourishing in a tributary of the Peace River, not
too far from Shell Ck, Charlotte Co, Florida. The water is utterly
fresh (pollution aside) anf with a good flow...Andrew G.
Yes, Vitta usnea
lives in brackish to freshwater, one of several problems, questions,
issues, etc. with this species. Say (1822, who named the species Neritina
reclivata) wrote, "I found this species in great plenty,
inhabiting St. John's river in East Florida, from its mouth to Fort
Picolata, a distance of one hundred miles, where the water was potable."
I would say 100 miles inland is pretty much beyond tidal influence
and can be safely called freshwater. It has been listed by various
authors as direct developing with crawl away juveniles. BUT, even
this is unclear. According to Andrews (1935:42) this is one of the
few nerite species with direct development. Specimens kept in small
glass dishes laid eggs that hatched into miniature "crawl-away"
adults bypassing the more typical veliger stage.
This has not been observed in my aquariums. And, young Vitta usnea
(<6 mm) were collected on turtle grass in three feet of saltwater
off Gulf Breeze, Florida (Cheshire, 2004); indicating a tolerance
for salt water. There may be two forms (there is certainly enough,
though not dramatic, variation in radular and shell morphology), one
that has evolved to a completely freshwater existence and the other
that has remained diadromous - and is still tied to the sea... Tom
- In regards
to placing a speicies name on the barnacles:
like a job for DNA analysis. Where is David C. when you need him?
Incidentally, Thomas Say's old publications (many dating to the
1810's) often contain ecologic tidbits in the species descriptions.
It's charming -- and sometimes highly informative. The tendency
is to think that everything is already known about common species,
yet here is an abundant, attractive, widespread species that lives
in accessible localities at very shallow water depths whose basic
biology is still very incompletely understood. A shell collector
who wants to make a real contribution to science need look no
further than to add to our knowledge of such species...Andrew
K. R
I may as well throw
in my two-cents....
Although I've found usnea in fresh water, there is always some
influence down near the bottom of the river due to the salt wedge.
Salt water is heavier than fresh and as the tide comes in, the salt
water slides in under the fresh water. So although the water is fresh
at the surface, it is saltier near the bottom.....where many of the
usnea live (but not they are often found on tree trunks,
etc. above the salt wedge).
I've noticed
that the river topography influences how far usnea extends
inland. If the land is very flat, the salt wedge extends further inland,
and so does usnea. A steeper gradient keeps salt water and usnea confined
closer to the sea.
is very shallow along the west coast of north central Florida. In
Dixie County the limestone is virtually right at the surface and fresh
water seeps out of this limestone at low tide. I have found hundreds
of usnea lined up along the limestone in the fresh water at low tide,
with none even a couple meters above the fresh water intrusion....
This zone is covered with tidal water at high tide..... K. A.
In regards
to placing a speicies name on the barnacles:
Getting back to the barnacle
there is an older work by one Charles Darwin on the subject at:
The names
may be a trifle obsolete, but it's not a bad piece of work, not bad
at all; I've used it before. Do bear in mind that ships have carried
barnacles all over the world. If memory serves, one of the common
species in Mobile Bay, Alabama, turned out to be a native of New Zealand
waters...Cheers, Andy
In regards
to placing a speicies name on the barnacles:
the balanus species is
probably Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854. This species can
also be found in lagoons and can survive for some time also in fresh