Mystery Fossil

Data: Hello ,I found this stone hunting in a gravel pit in Burnham,Me.
I found similar ones in Mt areas.Are they old and sea creatures? thanks Rick

Send Ideas to: Rick

Identified: Paleozoic brachiopods



  • Paleozoic brachiopods.... Allen A.

  • It could be part of an ammonite's shell. Ammonites were ancient cephalopods, similar to a Chambered Nautilis. Best wishes, ...Rich P.

  • Those are spiriferoid brachiopods, of which there are numerous genera differing in fine details, so they're not really identifiable without precise locality data (and someone familar with this locality).
    They could be from anywhere in the later Paleozoic to Jurassic...Andrew G.

  • They could be from anywhere in the later Paleozoic to Jurassic...
    Marine rocks in Maine would be Paleozoic....Dr. David C.


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