Shell currency has
been around for over 4,000 years and was, in it's heyday, the most widely
used currency in the world. Even today, there still exist minor currencies
based on certain shells.
examples of shells' uses in trade are:
Shell Money: Past
and Present: moneyc.html
- Cowrie shells (Cypraea annulus
L., and C. moneta L.),

Collected loose in bags or strung into strands, were the earliest forms
of currency used in many countries. The Chinese, so far as we know,
were the first people to use cowries as currency. Here, cowries have
been found in prehistoric Stone Age sites. Examples of other country's
native money-strands are the diwara in New Guinea, rongo
in the Melanesian islands and sapisapi in Africa. The image of
the cowrie as a type of currency was so strong that the first oval metal
coin minted in the Greek colony of Lydia around 670 B.C. was modeled
after that shell. By the eighteenth century, approximately 400 million
cowries were being traded per year mostly for the purchase of black
slaves. By the middle of the nineteenth century, it could take up to
100,000 cowries just to buy a young wife. Inflation, it seems, was the
main demise of the cowrie currency.
- Hard clamshells
and whelks were the shells used to make the North American
Indian wampum. Eastern Indians also used the tusk shell
Dentalium pretiosum Sowerby (collected on Vancouver
Is.! (Canada)) Sowerby, as a trade shell. Wampum continued to
be used as money through the first half of the eighteenth century
when it finally died out due to counterfeiting and mass production.

Mercenaria mercenaria
clamshells, Northern Quahog

Dentalium (Antalis) pretiosum
Tusk, I"o*qua shell
- Beads
and other ornaments made of "Spiny Oyster" shells (Spondylus
princeps (Broderip) and the Panamanian Pearly oyster
Pinctada mazatlantica (Hanley) were traded
all over the Andean region.

Spondylus princeps
(Broderipii 1833)

Pinctada mazatlantica
(Hanley, 1846)

Olivella biplicata
(Sowerby I, 1825)
In New Guinea,
the kina, (main
currency) and the tabu (shell currency) are
both used in some areas of New Guinea. It is thought that the kina
was named after the gold-lip pearl shell which is the most highly
prized shell by the various cultural groups. Too learn more about
tabu, visit the Money
- Traditional Tolai Tabu web Page.
Today, the
currency of Papua New Guinea is made up of Kina (keena) and
toea (toya) with 100 toea equal to One Kina.
mid-market rates as of 2003.02.28
17:36:21 GMT.
1.00 PGK Papua New Guinea Kina (PGK)= 0.278396 USD United
States Dollars
1 PGK = 0.278396 USD 1 USD = 3.59200 PGK
Click HERE to see
photos of New Guinea tribal costumes
sites on the Tabu shell currency:
- Ancient
Phoenician coins distributed throughout the Mediterranean world
were sculptured in the likeness of the scallop, murex and Triton (Charonia)