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Man and Mollusc
Uses of Shell-Bearing Molluscs - Past, Present & Future

By Avril Bourquin, Ross Mayhew and many contributors (see Personal Thanks)
December 1999

Elegant Margin Shell (see Note on English Names)
(Marginella elegans (Gmelin, 1791))
(found in SE Asia - Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc.)


This report on man's uses of shells is a "continuing" work.  It never will be finished, for just as today becomes the past and tomorrow becomes the present, man's uses of molluscs and their shelly homes and their future potential is boundless.  I have tried to include enough information here and elsewhere on the site, so that you the student can write your own report or that you the educator can pick and choose the information needed to develop a lesson plan suitable to your class subject.  I encourage you to go to the books and sites that I have used in helping to develop this report (which are listed at the bottom of the page), and in the links section (available soon!).  There is a wealth of information out there and I have just touched the surface. 

I would advise that you periodically check back to this report as new information will be added as it comes up!  If you have information or suggestions that you think would benefit this report,  please feel free to contact me at any time.

Avril Bourquin


1) Food 7) Music & Communication

2) Trade Goods

8) Personal Adornment

3) Medicinal Uses

9) Industry

4) Tools

10) Offshoots

5) Art and Architecture

11) Miscellaneous Uses

6) Religion

12) Shell Collecting

Great Men of the Mollusc World
Personal Thanks

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